2024-2025 School Dates:
September 16th 2024 – June 6th 2025

School Hours
Two’s Program: 9:15am – 11:55pm
Only available to students in the Twos. Parent drop-off and pick-up is required.
Half-Day Program: 9:10am – 12:00pm
Only available to students in the Threes or Fours. Morning transportation is available. Parent pick-up is required at 12:00pm
Mini-Day Program: 9:10am – 2:00pm
Only available to students in the Threes or Fours. Both morning and afternoon transportation is available.
Full-Day Program: 9:10am – 3:00pm
Only available to students in Young Kindergarten, Kindergarten and First Grade. Morning and afternoon transportation is available.
After School Enrichment Program: Until 4:00pm
Available to Mini-Day students from 2:00pm – 4:00pm or Full-Day students from 3:00pm – 4:00pm. Transportation is an option.
School Tuition
Tuition rates include daily snack, a library bag, classroom supplies/materials (crayons, pencil case, folders, notebooks, markers…etc.) as well as access to all school amenities and activities.
To request a copy of our tuition rates, please call or text us at 914-949-2635 or submit our Online Inquiry Form.

Mohawk Country Day School offers two possible transportation options for children aged 3 and up.
School District Offered Transportation System: If your student will be enrolling in Young Kindergarten, Kindergarten, or First Grade, you may be eligible to receive the offered transportation, directly from your school district. We encourage you to reach out to your local School District and inquire about their out-of-district transportation option (requests are typically due in the spring).
Door to Door Mohawk Transportation System: Mohawk also offers the option to enroll in our own Door to Door Mohawk Transportation System. For inquiries please call the office at 914-949-2635 or email our Director of Transportation directly, aaron@campmohawk.com.
Daily School Lunch Program
Mohawk offers an optional School Lunch Program featuring a range of tasty and child-friendly meals that change daily. At an additional cost, students enjoy the provided hot and nutritious lunch from Monday to Friday, with alternative options available for selective eaters (including: pasta, sun-butter & jelly sandwiches, yogurt, and cheese sticks).
Additionally, Pizza Friday is a weekly favorite in which fresh, delicious pizza is delivered from a local business every Friday. This fan favorite is also available for all students to enroll in, at an additional cost.
Mohawk Country day School provides students with a daily school snack.

After School Enrichment
At an additional cost, we also offer an After School Enrichment Program which is led by professional Mohawk teachers and is designed to engage children in enriching and fun activities, including playtime and snack time.
Our After School Enrichment Program provides children with opportunities to further exercise and engage their mind, body, and imagination while continuing to learn new skills with their peers. Changing monthly, each day of the week focuses on one of our many different programs, including: Cooking, Nature, Literacy, Science, Arts, Clay, Building, Sports, and more! Each day will vary with a new and stimulating activity revolving around the specified program for that day of the week. This allows each child the freedom to explore and experience new ideas and challenges. At the end of each month, a newsletter will be sent out with photos and details of all the activities done that month, as well as the new calendar for the upcoming month.
Enrichment Is Offered To Mini-Day Students From 2:00pm – 4:00pm Or Full-Day Students From 3:00pm To 4:00pm.
Program Options Include: 5 days a week (Monday-Friday), 3 days a week (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday), or 2 days a week (Monday and Friday)